Posts tagged with 'blood' from 1 to 24 of 57
"The Minnesota teenager responsible for Monday's high school shooting spree last year created a violent, blood-soaked video that included an animate [...]
Snotters, crusty nostrils, tickly throat, irritating cough, big wet sneezes and mild fatigue; and that's before I even venture out the front door in t [...]
What a jolly chap I am sometimes. Out for a run on the first day of 2005 and merrily wishing every dog-walker, afternoon rambler and shitty little [...]
Cycling home from work the other day. Perishingly cold. Four blocks of ice, two on the handlebars and two on the pedals. I wanna melt those block [...]
After years and tears of disappointment I've been coming round to the realisation that it's no use expecting anybody to do anything. If someone deli [...]
Bloody brilliant website... if his music is the same quality he'll go far! Billy Harvey. [...]