Showing all posts in the category of 'web' from 1 to 24 of 74
Random paragraph generator: could be a nice alternative to Lorem Ipsum. [...]
The head honcho at Carphone Warehouse says it is not his job to be an internet policeman. [...]
A new format for IP addresses will soon be on it's way called IPv6. At the moment with IPv4 only 14% of all unallocated addresses (from the total of 4 [...]
I haven't tried this out yet but I see you can download some software from labsmedia called ClickHeat, which is a visual representation detailing wher [...]
Article on Jeffrey Zeldman at Business Week. [...]
The new version of Google Analytics is now available... and is does look very nice, especially for a free product. [...]
Very interesting to find out the value of your site. [...]
Interesting notion about the state of many demo releases of new software ideas these days in an article called 'Don't make the Demo look Done'. [...]
Tim O'Reilly presents his definitive definition of what Web 2.0 means:Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move t [...]