Posts tagged with 'Jon Contino' from 1 to 22 of 22
Jon Hicks interview
…working alone may mean you don't have people to talk to, or designers to bounce ideas around with, but you can play your music as loud as you [...]
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- web design
- 21st Jul 2004
Forcing scrollbars
Some pointers from Jon Hicks on how to force scrollbars to appear when page content is small. [...]
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- web design
- 18th Aug 2004
Paragraph typography
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- typography
- 21st Sep 2008
Font Christmas Tree
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- typography
- 19th Dec 2008
The Paragraph in Web Typography & Design
Jon Tan presents a thorough overview of the paragraph in the context of web. [...]
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- web design
- 21st Jun 2008
@media 2006
If you attended @media 2005, you can sign up for this years event at a specially discounted rate of £345 (instead of £395). Speakers pen [...]
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- web design
- 5th Jan 2006
screen resolution again
after the recent redesign of A List Apart where the design width is optimised for browser resolutions of 1024 and greater, Jon Hicks poses the quest [...]
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- web design
- 28th Aug 2005
@media2016 - a glimpse into the future
I've seen the future of @media. There's no use complaining about the double tracked presentations because they're only going to multiply in number. An [...]
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- web design
- 19th Jun 2006
call the police, there's been a domain name theft
Domain names get stolen all the time. Didn't you know?If you're forgetful (or plain stoopid) you might find yourself in the position where the renew [...]
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- web design
- 28th Mar 2006