Showing all posts in the category of 'web' from 24 to 24 of 74
I've just updated my W3C Sites profile. [...]
Joe Clark asks "When do we take back the Web from the W3C?" in response to a post from Tim Berners-Lee who has informed us that a new workin [...]
Google have teamed up with in an attempt to cut down on malicious websites installing crap onto your computer. Google plans to display [...]
Nice overview at the BBC. [...]
An overview on Google Adwords and how to start using them. [...]
Big list of blogging tools and other associated extras. [...]
After a year of living off his readers Kottke decided that because he hadn'tgrown traffic enough or developed a sufficient cult of personality to m [...]
Obviously a reference to Joyent, the company name of the new blog, but also memorable because it rhymes with voyeur and the first three letters are [...]
It's probably down to extreme ignorance, but hotlinking is still a rife act on the web. And the biggest culprit I find from my referrers is myspace.c [...]
Support from the Scottish Arts Council for an initiative invloving nine visual arts organisations has been announced. The scheme will involve the re [...]
Recent visitors to The Letter will notice that I have completely revamped this site with a new style. Why the sudden change after launching the sit [...]
My name is Blair and I'm an internet addict. I realise I'm addicted but I no longer have control over my actions... please help!Only joking... or am I [...]
What's just as important as the font face used on a website?If you're like me, when you hear a new band on the radio you want to know what they look [...]
Another redesign ... this time over at Digital Web Magazine. [...]
Googleblog has recently been launched. [...]
Good selection of websites to peruse for this year's Webby Awards. [...]
Create wall sized images from a small image using The Rastorbator. [...]
To see beyond their own little world and get a sense of what's really going on, journalists and readers need to get out of their pajamas.arti cle by [...]
Web Standards Group interview with Eric Meyer [...]
Jon Hicks has been developing the new Thunderbird logo. Check out his dev page. [...]
I recently received awful service from my hosting company and was forced to move my site to another provider after the downtime became almost unbea [...]
I have just noticed that Joel is back writing again: biroco. Thank goodness! [...]
Shaun Inman was having an egotistical rant about pirated sites and specifically slagging Vodka for Breakfast off for copying elements of his site. [...]