Showing all posts in the category of 'music' from 456 to 24 of 657
If you're not aware of the music label or artists on Kitty-Yo then check out this list of free music samplers. As a starting point I recommend:Richard [...]
A new mix from Miss Kittin. [...]
I like this: Out of 5 is 10 songs chosen by 10 individuals. It's a weekly mix of music free to download. Nothing to complain about here. [...]
And as he says himself at the end "That's awesome isn't it?". Reggie Watts: Out Of Control [...]
Some may say that punk music these days has become somewhat formulaic and too poppy but check out this band called Hot Water Music. They sound fresh. [...]
I'm going to see the pianist Ludivico Einaudi in March. Here's a taster of his music if you're not familiar. [...]
Life Hacker points to an article by Guy Kawasaki on how to make the most from your LinkedIn account. [...]
I wrote a long spiel to go with these lists but I realised they pretty much speak for themselves. Top AlbumsAFX - Chosen LordsAim - Flight 602Alex Sm [...]
Large Hearted Boy links to A LOT of 'best of 2006' lists for music / albums / singles / tracks / artwork / and other related categories. It's an immen [...]
Check out GAWDS founder Jim Byrne's myspace page where he describes himself as the worlds most unsuccessful songwriter [...]
What an excellent list this is. I'm not surprised to see three entries from The Knife in there: they consistently make extremely high quality videos [...]
Download the festive offering from The Knife for free. [...]
Ellen Allien and Apparat held a competition to produce a video for their single Way Out and the lucky winner was Marco Testoni. [...]
Lots of cool electro music compilations for download. [...]
Check out the new video from The Knife - like a pen [...]
Ex-Fall guitarist in revealing interview (via Miss K) [...]
Check out the new artist on the Bpitch roster: Larsson - sounds right at home. [...]
Compilation time!Wildlife Analysis by Boards of CanadaAn Eagle In Your Mind by Boards of CanadaLeave Me Alone by Ellen Allien and ApparatAnima by Alex [...]
Just listening to some old Grandaddy stuff like Under The Western Freeway and The Sophtware Slump... all brilliant stuff. Must check out their new alb [...]
This guy's an egomaniac; he wants everyone to hit his servers big-style and use up loads of bandwidth by downloading lots of free music... go help him [...]