Link dump #137
2nd Jul 2012
- Sublime Text and Brackets - two new coding editors I'm thinking about switching to
- EE Compilation - 60 tracks of "dubstep, UK Bass, techno and anything else that’s pushing the boundaries of electronic music" for a fiver
- Stop shipping hardware products that are only “beautifully designed”
- CSS is amazing: The amazing powers of CSS
- Let’s put down the pitchforks and get some perspective - Karl Groves on how he thinks we, as accessible web designers, should approach web accessibility
- Lots of lovely repeating patterns (metal, pixel, fabric wood)
- Creative Market - design goodies including icons, patterns, typefaces and UI kits
- Covered - Apple's Smart Cover for iPad versus Microsoft's Touch Cover for Surface
- There Are No Women On StackOverflow… Or Are There?
- Little Big Details - interface design details
- Tutorial on designing a site using jQuery Mobile
Peity - a jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple
mini pie, line or bar chart - Field Candy - fancy tents with decorative facades
- Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
- Navsop navigation system by BAE Systems to rival GPS
- Evolution of the Web
- Winamp's woes: how the greatest MP3 player undid itself
- Using ARIA in HTML - unofficial draft. A practical guide for developers that suggests what ARIA attributes to use on HTML elements
- Beautiful Web Type - A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory