BOB - the mobile home
16th May 2006
BOB - the mobile homePossibly related?
Based on the tags from this post.
Mobile Web Design
I've just purchased the new Cameron Moll book Mobile Web Design. [...]
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- mobile devices
- 29th Aug 2007
Mobile Web Design - the book
Cameron Moll book on embracing and developing content for the mobile web. [...]
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- mobile devices
- 19th Oct 2006
websites for mobile
Mike Davidson demostrates how to send a simplified version of your site to mobile users. [...]
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- web design
- 22nd Jul 2005
T-Mobile G1
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- mobile devices
- 24th Sep 2008
Mobile Web design Tips
Cameron Moll brings us the third and final instalment in his series on desigining websites for the mobile user. [...]
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- web design
- 2nd Nov 2005
Planet Mobile Web
A new place to catch up on the latest news about the mobile web. It's a bunch of aggregated posts from Mobile-focussed blogs. [...]
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- mobile devices
- 14th Nov 2006
Mobile design
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- mobile devices
- 5th Feb 2008
Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
There's been an updated release of the mobile web best practices documentation from the W3C. [...]
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- web design
- 4th Jan 2006
mobile browser design
Macromedia blog provides feedback on their for ay into mobile [...]
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- web design
- 5th Jul 2005
Mobile Crunch
Mobile Crunch is a new site focusing on mobile technologies.Our mission is to identify, profile, test and even help develop the technologies, applic [...]
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- mobile devices
- 15th Jan 2006