Jack Balas
11th Jun 2010
I'm fan of this type of painting by Jack Balas: a mix of versimilitude and painterly mark-making. Reminds me of David Salle.
Possibly related?
Based on the tags from this post.
WCAG 2.0 developments
Jack Pickard provides some details on the latest develpments being made on the WCAG 2.0 spec. [...]
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- web design
- 30th Jan 2007
WCAG 2.0: Woeful to Wonderful in One Easy Draft?
Jack Pickard runs through the latest draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and finds the recent updates are a considerable improvement:[th [...]
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- accessibility
- 25th May 2007
How readable is your writing?
Have you ever considered how easy it is to read and understand what you write and publish on your site? I'm not just referring to literacy or eloque [...]
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- accessibility
- 7th Mar 2006
@media2016 - a glimpse into the future
I've seen the future of @media. There's no use complaining about the double tracked presentations because they're only going to multiply in number. An [...]
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- web design
- 19th Jun 2006