Posts tagged with 'short' from 1 to 24 of 91
Flash + Accessibility = possible?
Here's a short list of issues and bugs documented by Niqui Merret that she has come across when working towards making accessible Flash sites. [...]
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- accessibility
- 15th Aug 2007
Why free consultations don't work
Short article at Sitepoint providing some valid reasons why giving your clients free consultations isn't always a successful move. [...]
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- web design
- 20th Oct 2005
Is Adobe Flex Really Accessible?
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- accessibility
- 9th Feb 2008
How readable is your writing?
Have you ever considered how easy it is to read and understand what you write and publish on your site? I'm not just referring to literacy or eloque [...]
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- accessibility
- 7th Mar 2006
Accessible WYSIWYG editors part 1 - The problem
Here's the first part in a short series of articles about WYSIWYG editors. [...]
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- programming
- 30th Nov 2006
The Balancing Barn
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- architecture
- 13th Aug 2009
Free handbook on accessibility and usability
Webcr edible are giving away (until 23rd December) free copies of their 100 page handbook on web accessibility and usability. Short article at Out-La [...]
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- accessibility
- 15th Dec 2005