Posts tagged with 'arch' from 1 to 24 of 488
The Passive House
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- architecture
- 21st Feb 2009
Accessibility Testing Software Compared
useful paper on accessibility testing software. [...]
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- accessibility
- 12th Jul 2005
ruby on rails
there seems to be a bit of a buzz about the programming language Ruby and D an Benjamin reckons it will take over from PHP as the defacto web scripti [...]
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- web design
- 28th Feb 2005
Know Your Users
K nowing your users is always an important element when it comes to designing a website... particularly when we're talking about copy. [...]
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- web design
- 16th Feb 2005
Basics of search engine optimisation
Roger Johansson has posted an excellent article on SEO [...]
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- web design
- 9th Feb 2005
Unsharp Mask filter
Cameron Moll shares a nice tip if you aren't aware of the Unsharp Mask filter. [...]
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- web design
- 9th Feb 2005
Lists of Lists
interesting discussion regarding lists on the Web Standards Group discussion board: XHTML Strict alternative to <ol start="11">. Begins here [...]
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- web design
- 9th Feb 2005
the perils of using XHTML properly
good overview of the ins-and-outs of using xhtml at 456 Berea Street [...]
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- web design
- 19th Jan 2005
influential design?
Design Observer article about the most influential design people in the world today according to ID Magazine. [...]
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- web design
- 11th Jan 2005
font favs
Useful resource: favourite fonts from a host of webby types. [...]
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- typography
- 17th Dec 2004