Posts tagged with 'Hokarangen Space Program' from 1 to 24 of 213
Spider simulator
Pretty handy wee program for checking some basic information about your web page, like total size (including images) to download, if you have meta i [...]
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- web design
- 1st Feb 2006
fix broken links
I've been using XENU, an excellent wee program to check my sites for broken links, for a wee while now and I'd recommend it heartily. It's FREE and [...]
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- web design
- 25th Feb 2004
Create your own favicons
This isn't the best method for creating favicons but it ain't too bad if you're just starting out (or plain old lazy). I always recommend this littl [...]
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- web design
- 29th Jan 2006
Brilliant wee program to create favicons: png2ico (via Photo Matt)For me: png2ico.exe favicon.ico --colors 16 icon-32.png icon-16.png [...]
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- web design
- 5th Oct 2004