Posts tagged with 'Hans-Peter Feldmann' from 1 to 24 of 30
Peter Fox - Alles Neu
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- audio visual
- 27th Jul 2009
Ten questions
...for Peter-Paul Koch [...]
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- web design
- 13th Oct 2006
JavaScript Triggers
Brilliant article by Peter-Paul Koch detailing how to use id and class attributes in your XHTML to trigger Javascript functions. Additionally, he s [...]
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- web design
- 2nd Feb 2005
Shed - The Killer
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- album reviews
- 31st Oct 2012
Separating Behaviour and Presentation
Separating presentation and structure started in the early days of the CSS revolution. It turned out to be rather more complicated than anyone thoug [...]
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- web design
- 21st May 2004
What You Mean Editor - it's a slightly different take on WYSIWYG editors. They have a demo. Peter Krantz at Standards Schmandards has reviewed WYMedi [...]
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- programming
- 13th Dec 2006