Showing all posts in the category of 'books' from 24 to 24 of 49
Japrocksampler, subtitled "How The Post-War Japanese Blew Their Minds On Rock'N'Roll", is a follow-up (of sorts) to Julian Copes excellent K [...]
Novelist Kurt Vonnegut dies at age 84. [...]
Jeremy Keith writes up his thoughts on Revish. [...]
Revish has now opened it's doors to the public. [...]
Fancy yourself as a book reviewer? Revish is a (soon-to-launched) book review site where you'll be able to share with the world all your thoughts on y [...]
A book swapping website - nice idea [...]
Two neat ideas for tidying up all those fanboy CSS books: Invisible Book Shelf and Sticklebook. [...]
Joseph Heller and Kurt Vonnegut interviewed in Playboy magazine from 1992 (via Coudal). [...]
Design Observer have put together a list of books to read over the festive holidays [...]
a guided tour around the works of Evelyn Waugh. [...]
Kilgore trout is the alter-ego of Kurt Vonnegut. When I first got into Vonnegut I began reading references to Trout, as if he was some old friend o [...]