Link dump #145
20th Dec 2012
- It's Nice That's annual - it certainly looks nice, yours for £35
- Compressive Images - save images with a higher resolution and let the browser handle resizing for a more favourable file size
- Icomoon - create your own font set of icons
- Life expectancy of a Tweet? - 18 minutes
- How music recommendation works — and doesn’t work
- This Your Brain on a Slow Website (info-graphic)
- Google60 - a bloody slow Google Search
- cssarrowplease - generate CSS for a box with an arrow on the side
- CSS Crush - an extensible PHP based CSS preprocessor
- 30 years of emoticons
- Making Cents - Damon Krukowski of Galaxie 500 talks about all the money he makes from streaming
- Dive into Flexbox
- A Good Blog Post - Steve Souders on what I think makes a good blog post
- Rachel Whiteread is Britain's greatest living artist - discuss
- I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
- The new rules of the dancefloor - clubbing etiquette