Link dump #134
25th May 2012
- Scalable Vector Graphics: an Overview
- Use Canonical URLs, Please
- Is it time to stop writing headlines that end in question marks?
- Color Forecast - what colours are hot right now? Based on the color of people clothes in Paris Milan and Antwerp
- What Does it Mean to be Simple? - have a single idea and develop it
- How to Check Which Links Can Harm Your Site's Rankings
- The Essential… Boards Of Canada - a good overview of the Scottish electronic duo
- 10 electronic music books you need to read
- GitHub for Windows
- Backpfeifengesicht (German): A face badly in need of a fist. Taken from a list of 25 words that don't exist in English but would be good if they did
- relogo - rel="logo". A proposed standard for serving and maintaining up-to-date logos for use in various media
- CSS Selectors Level 3 - A Quick Reference
- WYSIHTML5 - an open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology
- We are Colorblind - a graduation project by Tom van Beveren dedicated to making the web a better place for the colour blind
- SymbolHound - search engine for finding web pages containing specific characters and symbols
- Mobile Accessibility - slides from Henny Swan's CSUN 2012 talk