Link dump #133
16th May 2012
- Best Of MetaFilter
- Al Blue’s Git Tip of the Week
- 10 electronic music books you need to read
- Detecting if images are disabled in browsers
- DaDaBIK - Open Source PHP application that creates a basic CRUD database front-end
- Below the Fold - yep, people know how to scroll
- Stacey Pullen’s top 10 Detroit techno classics - great music, but the comments are particularly interesting. Users are complaining about the terrible navigation, having to click tiny little single character links to proceed to the next tune! There's a valuable lesson in usability here
- This is all your app is: a collection of tiny details. Jeff Atwood explains that getting the details right is the difference between something that delights, and something customers tolerate
- Third-Party Cookies Explained
- Grab some pixel fonts produced by Patrick Lauke
- How To Redesign Your Resume For A Recruiter’s 6-Second Attention Span
- Browser Support
- How to write an effective Accessibility Statement