Optimo Car Mix
6th Feb 2010
The latest Optimo podcast has a poignant theme:
Towards the end of 2009 I had a car accident. My car was destroyed but thankfully my two kids were unharmed and I only suffered whiplash and a few bruises. The crash left me thinking a lot about my connection with the hunk of metal I spend 2 or 3 hours a day in during the week and sometimes even longer at the weekends. We often do long drives through the night to our gigs in UK and when abroad we're regularly car passengers driving between cities or to and from airports. A lot of this time we're running late, tired, stressed, staring vacantly out the window stuck in traffic or if we're lucky, asleep. I thought it would be fun to podcast some tracks about cars and what they mean to us. The mix is certainly not intended as a eulogy of the open road or a soundtrack to cruising the highway in search of your dreams. It's not "driving" music, rather it's a collection of favourite tracks and sounds about cars and driving. Clunk-Click every trip...