Link dump #67
25th Jan 2010
- Google Toilet Paper
- The Setup - a bunch of nerdy interviews
- A Collection a Day - a year long project for 2010, that documents collections
- Best RickRoll Ever - it's really very good
- Download free Kompakt mix: Pop Ambient - Momente (Mixed By Popnoname)
- How to Fix Randomly Disappearing Absolutely-Positioned Elements in IE
- Internet Online Website
- data.gov.uk - public sector data, ranging from traffic statistics to crime figures, for private or commercial use
- The Most Amazing Cinematic Car Crash Ever - gory, compelling stuff
- Black Garlic
- Think Vitamin Radio: Episode #1
- The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures
- Put A Donk On It - turn an amazing track into a happy house banger (thanks Steve)