17th Aug 2004
Fancy flash animations... very nice and funny too: Low Morale.
flash morale flash
Based on the tags from this post.
Thorough overview by Bobby van der Sluis of all the techniques involved with embedding Flash in your site. [...]
Here's three options, take your pick:Unobtrusive Flash Objects (UFO) v3.0SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed scriptFlash Satay: Emb [...]
Flash developer turned CSS zealot rants about the problems with using Flash. [...]
Using a process dubbed Flash Augmenting Standards (or Faust) it may be possible to create a Flash site that adheres to Web StandardsWouldn't it be nic [...]
Tutuorial at Digital Web Magazine on how to add do Flash video. [...]
Andrew Kirkpatrick is delivering a seminar on Flash captioning Tuesday, July 10. [...]
This could be an interesting idea... check out at Flash Zen Garden at actionscript.com. [...]
Here's a nice looking site:Astro Graphica. I like the navagation at the bottom. I reckon this page layout would be a good challenge for a CSS buil [...]
SWFUpload allows you to upload files via flash to get the flash-upload dialog goodness [...]
long article on how to produce accessible flash. [...]
Interesting to see that Google has developed a new algorithm for indexing textual content in Flash files, including menus, buttons and self-contained [...]
Great use of Flash for fun and educational purposes. [...]