Fever Ray podcast
27th Oct 2009
This week's Resident Advisor podcast is from Fever Ray (aka Karin Dreijer Andersson) and after just two listens I can tell it's going to be a classic!
- Neil Young - Guitar Solo 1
- Yo La Tengo - Everyday
- Journey To Ixtlan - Corpse On The Mesa
- Jad & David Fair - Nosferatu
- Zola Jesus - Devil Take You
- Bruce Haack - Mean Old Devil
- Krause - Duo Canopolis
- Burial Hex - Will To Chapel
- Suicide - Ghost Rider
- Amadou & Miriam - Ja Pense À Toi
- Shackleton - Death Is Not Final
- Entombed - Night Of The Vampire
- Maddalena Fagandini - Interval Signals
- Burundi: Musiques Traditionnelles - Chant Avec Cithare
Essential listening.