Link dump #36
12th Jun 2009
- The GIF Pronunciation Page (it's jiff by the way). Via Simon Willison
- Animated GIFs are cool again: psychedelic animations at teenocide and clever editing comprising three frames from eighties films at three frames
- Four profoundly unfashionable buildings in London
- Worknik - a dictionary for all types of words
- Gina Trapani highlights the best bits of Google Wave (based on the recent 80 min demo video)
- The Bread Art Project
- Enabling keyboard navigation in Mac OS X Web browsers - a handy reference
- Twitter Guide For Small Business
- Seth Said - Inspiring Seth Godin quotes
- Exactly how well did the BNP do where you live? - only useful if you live in the UK I suspect
- The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide
- After deep fried Mars bars and Irn Bru sorbet, one restaurant in Lanarkshire is now serving a cheesecake made from Buckfast
- Apparently the Jamaican authorities have banned daggering (which is simulated hardcore sex on the dancefloor) because too many men are breaking their penises. I broke my penis is the story of one such man