Link dump #30
12th May 2009
- TimeSnapper - an automatic screenshot journal. It runs in the background of your computer, taking screenshots of your desktop every few seconds all week long
- Awkward Boners
- Fart names - completely childish but fun
- Where are you in the movie?
- Socially Adjusted CAPTCHAs
- Using fieldsets outside of forms - one of an increasing list of accessibility tips from Mike Davies
- Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat - short, daft video clips (via Nelson)
- Privoxy - a non-caching web proxy
- Why text messages are limited to 160 characters
- Old Browsers: Do they still exist?
- Boks - A Visual Grid Editor based on Blueprint CSS
- The Bunker Podcast - an amazing weekly podcast series from top DJs playing in The Bunker party in Brooklyn, New York
- Extrawelt - been a fan for a while but having heard their stonking track Scmhedding on Hot Chip's Bugged Out Mixes I checked out a few more of their tunes. I particularly like Lost In Willaura and their classic Soopertrack
- XLR8R have another twenty free tracks up for the grabbing, including new stuff from The Field, Moderat, Miss Kittin & The Hacker and Tiga
- Sitepoint run through 19 Impressive Online Image Editors