Link dump #27
20th Apr 2009
- CNN's Phantom Twitter Account - an interesting story behind the recent Twitter race between CNN and Ashton Kutcher
- What are you asking for when you ask for a heuristic evaluation?
- Taking Your Talent to the Web is now a free downloadable book from zeldman.com
- 279 Days to Overnight Success - how to create your own success with your own project - free PDF download
- Michael Jackson through the years (and into the future...up to 2022)
- The Road to HTML 5: Link Relations - declaring how your links relate to the current document
- Sign in with "Twitter Connect"
- FancyForm - a powerful checkbox replacement script. Looks pretty accessible
- CaptionTube - add captions to YouTube videos
- Rapping flight attendant - pretty cool
- Know your meme
- How to opt out of cookie sniffing and trading
- Free My CV - a free CV distribution service
- Ask brings back butler Jeeves