Link dump #24
3rd Apr 2009
- Readability - bookmarklet for transforming content into a more readable format
- How social networking sites are being used to organise sectarian violence
- Mr Oizo documentary (via We Make It Good)
- White noise generator
- Email addresses it would be really annoying to give out over the phone - pretty funny
- Why not, right?
- How to sell statistics to clients
- Brave New World: a WordPress base theme free from cruft that incorporates HTML5, WAI-ARIA landmark roles and hCard and hAtom microformats
- Villagers challenge Google camera - what have they got to hide I wonder?
- Conficker eye chart (via waxy)
- Twenty MP3s from XLR8R including the likes of Black Dice, Circlesquare and Kid606
- Cool looking music compilation from Urban Outfitters