Link dump #12
11th Feb 2009
- Chrome Extensions Coming in May
- Big Brother is watching - slightly scary
- Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - really excellent. Album Incredibad out too
- The Heavy Edition - a weekly collection of music
- JCrop - image cropping jQuery plug-in
- This Is Why You're Fat
- Dropular - a media bookmarking site (hmmm... they've closed the doors, must be temporary)
- Why I Can't Afford Cheap - Andy Budd explains that quality pays for itself in the long run
- mobilee podcast 001: first one by Dan Curtin
- MP3 Validator - repair corrupted mp3 files
- You've heard the Christian Bale rant, the dopey kid coming back from the dentist, now here the song.