3rd Dec 2008
Version 1 of Songbird has hit the shelves. Congratulations guys!
music songbird music
Based on the tags from this post.
Songbird is a Web player built from Firefox's browser engine. Songbird is open source, will run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and supports user con [...]
Son gbird reviewed over at news.com [...]
delicious music. [...]
Free music sites. [...]
List all your favourite artists and Music Alerts will create a feed for you detailing whenever one of them has a new release. Wow, if it works i [...]
22 free music websites. [...]
Pandora is a cool music matching service. The music Pandora suggests is matched to artists or songs you already like. It's $36 per annum, but you ge [...]
Universal Music Group has announced it is going to cut prices of CD's in an attempt to coax the downloading public back into paying for music rather [...]