10th Sep 2008
Corporate Safety Blanket by Douglas Coupland.
art corporate safety blanket
Based on the tags from this post.
This topic was going to be a future post of mine but Michael Bluejay has produced it better than I would have: How not to get hit by cars. I'll pro [...]
Great idea this: a big toasty blanket with sleeves. [...]
She's really been spitting and yelling her lungs out recently with her lethal ability to dismember and disrupt human life.Her annihilation left manki [...]
Snotters, crusty nostrils, tickly throat, irritating cough, big wet sneezes and mild fatigue; and that's before I even venture out the front door in t [...]
I wrote a long spiel to go with these lists but I realised they pretty much speak for themselves. Top AlbumsAFX - Chosen LordsAim - Flight 602Alex Sm [...]
My name is Blair and I'm an internet addict. I realise I'm addicted but I no longer have control over my actions... please help!Only joking... or am I [...]