Form One
23rd Jun 2008
So ugly it's beautiful: Form One by La Pissette. The natural-looking form of the ring referring to found materials.
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Form Help without Popups
Gez Lemon uses javascript to show and hide layers of help in a form. [...]
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- web design
- 17th Oct 2005
form generator
Aform is a neat application that automates the form building process. You simply enter your form details and the accessible xhtml is created for yo [...]
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- web design
- 14th Sep 2005
Styling form controls
Very useful article detailing the varying degrees of form styling across browsers and platforms. At 456 Berea StreetStylin g form controls. [...]
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- web design
- 29th Sep 2004
XForms 1.0 became an official W3C recommendation on 14 October. What is XForms? Well, traditional HTML Web forms don't separate the purpose from the [...]
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- web design
- 27th Oct 2003
Form 1
Nice looking portfolio. [...]
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- web design
- 8th Nov 2005
JSValidate: Form Validation Library
JSValidate is a simple library based on Prototype and Script.aculo.us to allow you to do form validation. (via Ajaxian) [...]
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- programming
- 4th Oct 2007
Secure and Accessible Contact Form
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- programming
- 1st Jan 2008