Link dump #149
2nd Apr 2013
- ScotlandJS - two day JavaScript event, held in Edinburgh on May 9th & 10th
- Nice mix from Nick Hoppner - includes Claro Intelecto, Autechre and Redshape
- Front-end Code Standards & Best Practices - could be a useful resource
- Here's something the internet can't do that a magazine can - hmm
- Code Beautifier and CleanCSS - tidy up your CSS
- Handy overview of new HTML form input types and attributes. I'm particularly keen on the pattern functionality, that let's you set a regular expression for the browser to validate against
- Dubuggex - a visual regular expression debugger, tester, and helper
- Designing with context - who's using what type of device to do something in which location?
- Why I Left Google
- No to NoUI - response from Timo Arnall on the idea that the best interface is no interface
- The Short Cuts - the main points from all Matt Cutts' videos
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web - a practical guide to web typography