Whisky Web
14th Feb 2012
Whisky Web: two day web design event in Edinburgh, on 13th and 14th April, includes talks and hacking.
Possibly related?
Based on the tags from this post.
The World Wide Web Conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 22nd-26th 2006. [...]
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- web design
- 26th Jul 2005
Highland Fling
Highland Fling is an inaugural annual one-day conference to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on 5th April 2007. It's aimed at web developers and busines [...]
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- social networking
- 24th Jan 2007
BarCamp Scotland
BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, dem [...]
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- social networking
- 24th Jan 2007
A List Apart Web Design Survey
If you work in 'web design' in any way, then take a couple of minutes to complete the A List Apart Survey and win win some prizes like a free ticket t [...]
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- web design
- 24th Apr 2007
What makes the web social?
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- social networking
- 6th Jun 2008