Showing all posts in the category of 'css' from 120 to 24 of 159
Quite incredible, letters and numbers created using CSS: CSS font. Reminds me of CSS pencils. [...]
Just found this brilliant hack for providing styles specifically for IE on Windows and Mac. It validates too. [...]
Not sure how I missed this one, but better late than never: Strange Banana CSS generator... some are surprisingly good. [...]
Position is Everything has a good article on how to write more efficient css. [...]
I've just discovered an amazing CSS technique at Me yerweb that I wasn't aware off; I'll need to run through the code on all my sites now and strip [...]
Perfect three columned page layout with header and footer: see Position is Everything. [...]
This has to be one of my favourite CSS Zen Garden designs: Defiance by James Ehly. [...]
I like this menu a lot. Pure CSS drop-down menu without Javascript (unless you're using Internet Explorer, then you need to include the wee JS file [...]
Good technique to create a flexible and fluid container using XHTML and CSS at 456 Berea Street. [...]
Ra ve reviews everywhere regarding the debut album from Junior Boys. I just bought it and can't stop listening to it. Standout track is Teach Me H [...]
Porter Glendinning talks about CSS Selectors: CSS 2 Selector Fundamentals. [...]
Embedding fonts is a very efficient and easy process, however support is limited to Internet Explorer 4 and above ... tutorial at Spoono. [...]
Here's a drop-down menu created using CSS. [...]
The above image was created using CSS ... and lots of it too! Check out the culprit. [...]
I found this nice explanation of child selectors on the css-discuss forum:What does it mean when there's a ">" in the css code? For example:li.sub [...]
Eric Meyer has pretty much completed the second edition of his Definitive Guide to CSS. Read his log about it here. [...]
Here's a couple of pages on styling tables with css.markl.f2o.orgferg [...]
Perfect timing for me and my workmates ... a tutorial on styling tables with CSS at A List Apart. [...]
Excellent resource of IE bugs and fixes at Big John and Holly's Position is Everything site. [...]
Here's a pretty useful article on styling the HR tag. [...]
Flash site worth a look: Neostream Interactive. [...]
max-width in Internet Explorer. [...]
Font sizes are a major headache in my work. Before I started all websites were designed specifically for Internet Explorer ... luckily this trend is [...]
The CSS2 standard specifies four properties that can be very useful when working with CSS layouts: min-width, max-width, min-height and max-height . [...]