Link dump #151
8th May 2013
- PaySwarm - a universal payment standard for the web
- Winners of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards
- Parsleyjs - handy form validation script, uses jQuery and data attributes
- I <3 image bytes - images are the most important bytes in the page, don't you know?
- CODING.FM - the sound of coding
- Shapeshift - an open source jQuery plugin which will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a column grid system similar to Pinterest
- Google Poetics
- Quietweet - a read-only Twitter client, which ignores all tweets containing @s, #s or links
- Pictures of families with what they eat each week
- What your profile picture says about you
- How frequently should we update our homepage?
- Retinize It - Photoshop actions for preparing images for Retina-display websites
- Download Google fonts to your desktop
- U.S. Government's never ending quest to design the most difficult-to-manufacture object
- Snap.js - handy navigation solution for small screens