Link dump #143
22nd Oct 2012
- CSS3 structural pseudo-class selector tester - handy
- The rise of passive-aggressive wi-fi names
- Dystopia Podcast 004 from Perc - takes a few listens but it's worth the effort
- Knives and Wounds - pretty gruesome images (you have been warned)
- Woodwork
- Contrast ratio - check that your colour contrast is legal
- We’re stupid and we don’t know it: a history and Our Brainless Ancestors
- The Art and Practice of Content Assembly: Where IA and CMS Meet
- Social Login Buttons Aren’t Worth It - MailChimp explain why they dropped Facebook and Twitter log in functionality
- phpconsole_ - a new application that helps with PHP and JavaScript development
- Top Validation Errors
- Harp Platform - develop directly within Dropbox
- Giorgio Moroder on Soundcloud