Link dump #15
4th Mar 2012
- We, the Web Kids - a short essay on growing up with the internet
- Haters Gonna Hate - best animated gif in the world
- The Perpetual, Invisible Window Into Your Gmail Inbox - how OAuth could be paving the way for an online privacy meltdown
- Helping users to focus on one form control at a time - using the CSS outline-offset
- CSS3 Fancy Box - lightbox without JavaScript
- Mobile Sites vs. Apps: The Coming Strategy Shift
- Mute - a free track from Carl Taylor & Paul Hunter
- Extra Patience (After Sebald) - free download of out-takes from the recent album sessions
- Replacing the -9999px hack (new image replacement)
- Mastering CSS3 Text Shadows
- Visual map of WCAG 2.0
- $script.js - load multiple JavaScript files asynchronously
- Collusion for Firefox shows you who's tracking you on the web in real time, as you browse
- Implementing Cross-Browser Video Playback in HTML5
- HTML5 Context Menus - using HTML5 to add options to the right-click menu on websites