Link dump #124
8th Dec 2011
- Impossibility! "The Best Domain Name Generator Ever" - it's a certainly good for coming up with something different
- jQuery select multiple double side - copy items from one multiple select to another
- I bequeath my iTunes credits to...
- Web Symbols typeface - a nice idea in theory, but by including symbols into your code you're introducing non-semantic content.However, Chris Coyier has a solution
- Björk's favorite records
- Babies and the Bathwater - where we are in web publishing today
- oprah and the yelling goat - this quite funny (via)
- The Evolution of Western Dance Music - animated infographic
- magCulture shop - buy the best independent magazines
- All Together Now - every Beatles songs played at the same time and all ending at the same time
- This Site’s Domain is Stolen - true account of a domain name ransom demand
- 26 Stories Of Christmas
- Native developer tools coming to Firefox
- The 50 Best Websites of 2011 - hmm..