Link dump #86
14th Jun 2010
- Change blindness - the act of failing to notice something we unconsciously experience every day as our brains filter the barrage of visual information which we are flooded with
- This mash-up of La Roux and Major Lazer (aka Diplo and Switch) is bloody brilliant... and FREE!
- Rebranding the License Plate: 4 Designers Clean Up Graphic Road Kill
- Six Russian astronauts seal themselves away for 520 days on a virtual trip to Mars
- Today's Guardian, an iPad-sized version
- CSS sprites without using background images
- Googlethink
- iPad Simulator
- Endorse - helping people connect through friendly recommendations
- Urbanizer - helps you find a place that suits the mood
- Making CSS Count Backwards - brothercake on CSS counters
- Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast - handy tips
- Tiny Fluid Grid - create fluid grid based css
- CSS Buttons - create buttons in css