Link dump #70
10th Feb 2010
- DJ Lloydi mixes
- Minimalissimo - a blog showcasing minimal design
- coverspy - books being read by New Yorkers now. Lovely to look at
- QueryLoader Demo page - preload the whole page, including images and scripts before displaying it
- The iPhone obsession - if we don't pay attention, we'll have a mobile web that only works on the iPhone
- Reality check: it's just a fucking phone
- Glitch - a massively-multiplayer game (launching later in the year)
- Uniform - consistent form elements with jQuery
- Sprite generator
- Group Tweet - using direct messages, send private tweets between multiple users
- Mosquito Tone Test, or How To Tell You're A Young'un - when you get older your hearing deteriorates
- Could I Give a Monkeys About the Latest Apple Product?