Link dump #43
24th Jul 2009
- Up to Speed on HTML 5 and CSS 3 - a top quality slideshow with plenty of useful tips
- IPGeolocation PHP Class
- - a service for web designers and font designers
- CSS line-height - a step-by-step slideshow presentation
- KeePass - free, open source and light-weight password manager
- Moof - social music web app
- Free and sometimes excellent CMS that you probably want to try - a long list of free content managment systems
- An Explanation of Photoshop Blend Modes - a thorough run-through by Angie Bowen
- Goofram - Google search and Wolfram Alpha search side-by-side
- Robozzle - a game that uses programming techniques, likes loops, to progress through each level
- jQuery Accessible Tabs - how to make tabs really accessible
- 30 Essential CSS3 Resources
- Comodo - Free Firewall + AntiVirus
- The League of Moveable Type
- AltFontPrev - a JavaScript bookmarklet that allows you to preview how any website would look if a particular font was not available or a different font chosen
- Color Scheme Designer - slick and effective
- Google Street View visits Coronation Street