Link dump #29
9th May 2009
- Color Oracle applies a full screen colour filter to art you are designing independently of the software that you are using
- 8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs
- PersistJS - a client-side JavaScript persistent storage library
- GiantURL - the perfect antidote to all those URL shortening services
- The Sorry State of WYSIWYG Web Editors
- Should I Be Worried About Swine Flu?
- Gallery of default anonymity
- Visible Tweets - a nice Flash-based Twitter visualisation app.
- Ten Graphic Design Paradoxes, including "For designers, verbal skills are as important as visual skills"
- A lovely new Flash-based site for Kim Høltermand
- Accessibility Blog Roundup II
- Twitter Accessibility Roundup
- The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity