Link dump #20
16th Mar 2009
- Google moves into the phone service industry
- Can you play that one song? - a collection of the world's worst song requests
- ponyXpress - a blog full of arty nude stuff (NSFW)
- iMac shuffle - the next level
- Cynosura - a beautifully designed site with great use of typography by Raymond S. Glover
- Lithium breakthrough could charge batteries in 10 seconds
- World plug and socket map. Map belt
- Bring Down IE6. ASAP please. Until then: Supersleight jQuery plug-in for transparent PNGs in IE6
- jQuery-gestures - image gallery, Mouse gestures in a web site (not the browser)
- Things you may not know about jQuery
- One guideline a day - WCAG 2.0 made easy
- Differences between IE8 Compatibility View and IE7
- WaSP InterAct Curriculum