Own a mobile phone?
19th Jun 2008
Matthew Baldwin has a cool list of responses from people over the years when he's told them he doesn't own a mobile:
- 1998: Solidarity ("Yeah, me neither - I hate those things!")
- 1999: Envy ("Lucky you; I had to get one for work.")
- 2000: Indifference ("Okay, what's your home phone number then?")
- 2001: Encouragement ("You should get one - you can play Tetris on them now!")
- 2002: Confusion ("I thought you were, like, a tech guy.")
- 2003: Sympathy ("They're getting pretty cheap. You'll be able to afford one soon.")
- 2004: Irritation ("So how am I supposed to get a hold of you?")
- 2005: Derision ("If we go out tonight I'll send you a fax.")
- 2006: Skepticism ("Are you serious?")
- 2007: Awe ("Wow, you're like the last one.")
- 2008: Incomprehension ("You don't ... how ...?")